Treatments for Plantar Fasciitis

Treatment Options

If you're among the many individuals grappling with the discomfort of plantar fasciitis, rest assured that our team of expert podiatrists and physical therapists is here to assist you. We offer a range of highly effective treatments to explore and alleviate your symptoms.

Shockwave Therapy Treatment

Shockwave therapy delivers a wave of mechanical energy to the plantar fascia. This mechanical energy, in turn, triggers inflammation, increasing blood flow to the plantar fascia. Shockwave therapy harnesses the body’s own healing response.


Cryosurgery utilises a cryo-needle that is carefully guided to the source of the heel pain. The cryo-needle is rapidly cooled down to -50 centigrade. This rapid cooling of the inflamed tissues quickly reduces pain and inflammation within the heel.


Steroid injections have been used for many decades to treat plantar fasciitis.
They are thought to have very powerful anti-inflammatory properties that can ease and settle the symptoms of plantar fasciitis.


Podiatrists prescribe and construct foot orthotics. These are specially designed devices that are worn inside the shoe in order to control abnormal foot function or accommodate painful areas of the foot.